Do you think it is possible for 18 kids aged 7 to 9 y.o. to create a card game in only 3 hours? No? Last spring we got this incredible chance to be invited by Annie, an elementary school teacher
Galasoft’s Board Game Geek Listing
Hey you out there (or in your basement) as a Board Game Geek, please become a fan of our games or buy one of our microbadges (or all of them). Exclusive Microbadges 6 Games (more to come)
A Brief History of Time, the Ultimate Card Game
Travel through Time and Answer History Questions Place Historic Facts in chronological order to score! This is the first set of this radical game. It includes 108 historical facts from 4.5 billions years ago to somewhere in the futur. Yes,
TimeLines, a game of time travelling
Repair the Space Time Continuum You are Time Travelers, you suddenly realize that a breach in the Space Time Continuum has created a new timeline. In order to restore the Space Time Continuum, you must move back and forth through
Comment fonctionne KickStarter?
On fait tout ça surtout pour le plaisir mais aussi car c’est une expérience unique pour Amélie de voir ses jeux ainsi popularisées!
Notre campagne sur Kickstarter est lancée!
Merci de nous aider à financer ce projet! Si le projet est financé, Amélie obtiendra un cours privé en design ou dessin pour fabriquer des jeux encore plus éclatés!
From dream to reality (a story of Game Design)
It all started during on a rainy day during our vacation of 2010 in the Laurentides Region in the Province of Quebec, Canada. My youngest daughter, she was 5 y.o. at the time, was playing alone with ordinary playing cards: flipping them, talking to the Queen, you know that kind of stuff. Then she came to me saying: « Daddy, come and play with me, I invented a game!
Rouge et Noire
Déroulement de la partie 1. Distribuer 2 cartes à chaque joueur 2. À son tour, un joueur pige une carte dans la pioche et jette une carte soit dans sa pile, dans la pile d’un adversaire ou dans la défausse.